Wolf style army of two masks
Wolf style army of two masks

wolf style army of two masks

There are also a few other tactical tricks you can pull, like mock surrendering to the enemy, that help add some unique cooperative flavor to the action. Playing with this mechanic can be fun, and it is strategically relevant enough that a timely aggro grab can save your buddy's skin. If one teammate draws all the aggro, the other can slip about virtually unnoticed, picking off distracted foes or moving into a better position. Solo or co-op, you should keep an eye on the aggro meter, a slider that indicates which of you the enemy is concentrating its fire on. That is, unless you want him to get into trouble, in which case you can use the easily issued tactical commands to influence his behavior. If you choose to roll solo, you'll be left with an AI teammate who generally does a good job of staying out of trouble. And as an added bonus, you can take out a regular enemy just by running into him at a dead sprint, which is both fun and funny. Yet once you start to get the hang of the controls, you'll find that there is a certain fluidity to the way you can move around the battlefield. You also have to be careful when maneuvering into cover, because though you automatically lean into it, cover isn't sticky. Triggering the wrong action can put you in some tight (read: deadly) spots. However, some awkwardness arises from the fact that sprinting, rolling, sliding into cover, hurdling over cover, and entering a mounted gun position are all mapped to one button. The core shooting mechanics are sharp and satisfying, and moving around the varied environments is generally easy. You and your teammate travel through the besieged city of Shanghai, shooting your way through a mercenary army and having a grand old time, despite not really knowing what is going on. The game is meant to be played cooperatively, and you can do so locally (via split-screen) or online. The eponymous army is made up of Salem and Rios, two mercenaries reprising their roles from The 40th Day's predecessor, Army of Two. Now Playing: Army of Two: The 40th Day Video Review And though the lively online multiplayer is hampered by lag, Army of Two: The 40th Day offers enough entertainment to make a strong case for your time and money.īy clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's There is some strange mucking about with morality during the short campaign, but this is largely overshadowed by the brash, brutal action.

wolf style army of two masks

The gunplay and movement mechanics are solid and satisfying, despite some awkwardness, and the game encourages you to use teamwork with light, yet engaging, tactical elements. It's great fun to team up with a buddy and blast your way through hordes of enemies using your lovingly customized weapons. Why is this happening? Who is behind it? Who cares! You can paint skulls on your shotgun and then shove it through your enemy's brain! The 40th Day is light on plot and heavy on action, a balance that suits the game well.

wolf style army of two masks

Or more accurately, Shanghai, a city that is being torn apart by missiles for no discernable reason. Army of Two: The 40th Day is a third-person shooter in which your objective is simple: get out of Dodge.

Wolf style army of two masks