A black hole
A black hole

a black hole

Imagine that you are headed feet first towards a black hole. This effect is caused due to a gravitation gradient across your body. In brief, if you stray too close to a black hole, then you will stretch out, just like spaghetti. One of the best known effects of a nearby black hole has the imaginative title of “Spaghettification”. And it is the mass of the black hole – and the huge gravitational forces that its mass generates – which does the “damage” to nearby objects. The very definition of a black hole is that it has its mass concentrated in to a vanishingly small volume – the “singularity”. Of these parameters, mass is arguably the most significant. Put simply: no matter how hairy or complex an object you throw into a black hole, it will get reduced down (or shaved) to its mass, charge and spin.

a black hole

This is known as the “ no hair theorem ”. Indeed, these are the only three parameters that an outside observer can ever know about since all other information about anything that goes into making up a black hole is lost. There are three properties of a black hole that are (in principle) measurable: their mass, their spin (or angular momentum) and their overall electronic charge. Invariably though, the one item that is almost assured to come up are the largely gruesome ways in which black holes might theoretically affect human beings and the Earth itself. Many of the questions I am asked regard how “true” science fiction concerning black holes might be, and whether worm holes, such as those featured in Stargate, are real or not. And interest regarding black holes will surely grow now that gravitational waves have been discovered.


Explore how black holes aided the evolution of a universe suitable for life, discover how we can see into a black hole's past, and find out how we might one day image the supermassive black hole at the center of our own galaxy! Enter your email to download the Black Holes ebook and receive our weekly e-newsletter with the latest astronomy news.Black holes have long been a source of much excitement and intrigue.


If black holes draw you in, be sure to check out our FREE ebook on black holes. Strangely enough, this even includes the surface of the star that collapsed to form the black hole! Additionally, the light she sends back to you gradually gets dimmer and redder.Īccording to your perspective, Sally never actually descends into the black hole she will travel more and more slowly as she approaches the event horizon, but you will never actually see her reach “the point of no return.” Time comes to a standstill at the event horizon, such that an outside observer will never really see anything fall inside a black hole. From your perspective, Sally appears to slow down as she approaches the black hole, and the time interval between her flashes of light gradually increases. Before she leaves, Sally agrees to flash a light back to you every second. Now imagine your colleague Sally is interested in more hands-on investigation of time inside a black hole, and decides to dive towards it. The light will appear to continually slow down as it approaches the black hole, ultimately reaching a complete dead stop at the event horizon. Unfortunately, you will be waiting a very long time-forever, in fact. Imagine you want to investigate a black hole by shining a light towards it and measuring the time that elapses before the light is reflected back to you. For this reason, an observer inside a black hole experiences the passage of time much differently than an outside observer. Black holes are so massive that they severely warp the fabric of spacetime (the three spatial dimensions and time combined in a four-dimensional continuum).

A black hole